David Bowie 1.Outside Live performed by Ambra Mattioli OUtside AGain 1995-2015 - medley @ LOFT128, Pescara, Italy, 2015-12-11 - exclusively live, without recorded music, no loops - http://www.ambramattioli.com Ambra Mattioli (Lead Vocalist), Francesco Infarinato (piano keyboards back vocals), Massimiliano Angelotti (bass guitar), Michele Capraro (electric guitar), Simone Angelotti (drums). The Motel 0:00, No Control 3:57, We Prick You 5:57, Algeria Touchshriek 8:20, I Am With Name 9:06,

Tipo registrazione: Live
Ambra Mattioli
The Hearts Filthy Lesson Ambra Mattioli
A Small Plot of Land Ambra Mattioli
Hallo Spaceboy Ambra Mattioli
Heroes Ambra Mattioli
Location:Loft 128 - Pescara (PE)